Homeless Bus Community Service Event

Rising Stars Scholars spent a beautiful summer Saturday night in late July volunteering to help others. It was meaningful for the kids to see the long line of people waiting for food and supplies, to look into their faces and see them smile as they were served hot food, snacks, fruit, basic toiletries, books and socks and to hear the homeless expressing gratitude and offering blessings to our Rising Stars. Homeless Bus is a organization conceived 24 years ago from the hearts of Mark and Anna Landgrebe who set out on a mission to make a difference in this world. Every Saturday night they head into NYC with a bus full of donated hot food, snacks, drinks,personal-sized toiletries and other necessities for the homeless. They greet every one they serve with a smile, a hug and a neighborly energy that set a wonderful example for our Rising Stars. The lesson for our kids was simple: “Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others” (Plato).

Keep shining, Rising Stars!



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